Schiphol to Keukenhof

Travel from Schiphol to Keukenhof by direct Keukenhof bus line 858. The bus operates during the Keukenhof opening season (20 March – 11 May 2025) and takes you from the airport to the Keukenhof gardens entrance.

Types of tickets valid in the bus Schiphol – Keukenhof

There are several types of tickets valid in the bus line 858:

In 2025 Keukenhof buses will be operated by Qbuzz, not Arriva company. Combi-tickets for Keukenhof entrance + bus from Schiphol for the 2025 season are already available online.

You can also buy the Amsterdam & Region Travel ticket (ARTT), which is valid in the bus line 858. You don’t need to book a timeslot for the bus with this type of ticket. Read more about travelling to Keukenhof with ARTT.

Tip! If you are visiting the Netherlands in spring, book tickets to the most popular venues and museums (like the Van Gogh Museum, the Rijksmuseum, the Anne Frank house). If you want to travel inside Europe (to Paris, Brussels, Bruges, etc), order tickets in advance.

Where to find the Keukenhof bus in Schiphol?

The KeukenhofBuzz departs from the bus stop outside Schiphol Plaza. There are numerous signs that will direct you to the bus departure point.

Keukenhof bus 858 from Schiphol

Keukenhof – Schiphol bus ticket price

A combi-ticket (Keukenhof entrance + return travel by bus from Schipol) in 2025 costs € 32 for adults and € 15 for children.

A combi-ticket includes:

The time you choose during the booking process is based on the departure of the bus. All buses departing 30 minutes before and 60 minutes after the chosen timeslot can be taken. For the return trip you take any bus you want.

Please note that Keukenhof combi tickets are sold with a 30 minutes interval. But the public transport is operating on their own schedule. You can check the exact departure times via the  Glimble travel planner:

Bus 858 Keukenhof from Schiphol timetable

Not sure about your arrival time?

If you travel to Keukenhof as soon as you arrive to Amsterdam airport, it can be difficult to predict your departure time. For flexible departure time you can use the Amsterdam & Region Travel ticket. Later you can also use it in public transport in Amsterdam and for travelling to the Zaanse Schans, Volendam, Haarlem, Zandvoort and many other places in the Amsterdam area.

Amsterdam & Region Travel Ticket map in 2025

Amsterdam & Region Travel Ticket map in 2025. Check the full-size image at official website. Learn more about ARTT >>

Travel time from Schiphol to Keukenhof

An average travel time from Schiphol airport to Keukenhof is 30 – 35 minutes. During the peak season (end of April – beginning of May) and in the weekends there can be traffic jams on the way to Keukenhof.

You check departure times and directions real-time with a free Glimble app:

Travel from Schiphol to Keukenhof

FAQ about travelling from Schiphol to Keukenhof

First and last bus from Schiphol to Keukenhof

In 2025, the first bus from Schiphol Airport to Keukenhof departs at 7:45. The last bus back is at 20:06.

Is bus line 858 accessible to passengers in a wheelchair?

Yes, it is. You can travel in a wheelchair, as long as it does not exceed the allowed dimensions (120 cm long, 70 cm wide, 109 cm high).

Wheelchairs Qbuzz

There is a special space for wheelchairs and buggies in the central part of the bus. It’s enough for 1 wheelchair or 2 buggies. Passengers in wheelchairs have priority over buggies.

Does the bus 858 have any in between stops?

No, it is a nonstop bus that brings you directly to the main entrance of Keukenhof.

More questions about your trip to Keukenhof from Schiphol?

Please ask in comments!

See you in the Keukenhof gardens!

Dieser Artikel ist auch auf Deutsch verfügbar: Wie man vom Flughafen Schiphol zum Keukenhof gelangt

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