Keulemhof express bus 852

Travel from Amsterdam to Keukenhof by the Keukenhof Express bus 852. The bus departs from Amsterdam RAI/Europaplein metro station. Here is everything you need to know about the Keukenhof express bus 852 tickets, prices, directions and departures.

Combi tickets for Keukenhof + bus 852 for the 2025 season are not available yet. But you can already buy Keukenhof entrance tickets or tickets for direct transfer to Keukenhof from Amsterdam center.

You can also buy the Amsterdam & Region Travel ticket, which is valid in the bus line 852.

Tip! Follow us on Instagram and Telegram and we’ll let you know as soon as combi-tickets (Keukenhof entance + bus 852) go live!

Keukenhof bus 852 tickets

In 2025 Keukenhof combi-tickets (entrance + return trip from Amsterdam) cost:

Prior booking is required for all types of Keukenhof tickets.

Keukenhof bus 852 timetable

Keukenhof Express bus 852 from Amsterdam RAI to Keukenhof departs up to 8 times an hour. The time that you choose during booking is based on departure with the express bus 852 from Amsterdam RAI. All buses departing 30 minutes before and 60 minutes after the chosen timeslot can be taken.

Good to know: the time you select during the Keukenhof combi-tickets purchase, is not the exact departure time, but a timeslot. For the actual departure times, please check the Glimble travel planner:

Please also take into account that on busy days you will probably to stand in line to take the bus.

Tickets with flexible departure times

If you want to have a flexible departure time, we recommend to use the Amsterdam & Region Travel ticket which is also valid in public transport in Amsterdam, the Zaanse Schans, Volendam, Haarlem and many other places around Amsterdam.

For the return bus from Keukenhof to Amsterdam you don’t need to book a timeslot. You can take any bus you want.

Departure point of the Arriva bus 852 Amsterdam – Keukenhof

The bus 852 Amsterdam – Keukenhof departs from Europaplein in Amsterdam (near Amsterdam RAI).

How to get to Amsterdam RAI?

You can plan your door-to-door trip in the Netherlands by public transport and using the Glimble app:

The most easy way to travel to Amsterdam RAI/Europaplein from Amsterdam city center is by metro line 52. The metro departs every 5 minutes and it takes 8 minutes to get you to the Europaplein stop.

Important: a metro ticket is not included into the combi-ticket price. You need a separate Amsterdam public transport ticket.

Travel times

Expected travel time by Keukenhof Express bus 852 from Amsterdam RAI to Keukenhof is 35 minutes. There can be come delays depending on the road situation.

Does the bus 852 run on the Bloemencorso Flower parade day?

On 12 April 2025 the roads around Keukenhof will be closed for a few hours, but in general you can travel to Keukenhof from Amsterdam by bus 852. We recommend to arrive to Keukenhof as early as possible.

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Have a nice visit to Keukenhof in 2025!

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