When is the best time to visit Keukenhof in 2025?
In 2025 Keukenhof is open from 20 March to 11 May. It stays beautiful the whole season. But most travellers want to visit Keukenhof during special festival events and during…
In 2025 Keukenhof is open from 20 March to 11 May. It stays beautiful the whole season. But most travellers want to visit Keukenhof during special festival events and during…
Almost every weekend during the Keukenhof opening season you can visit special shows and events in the park. There are also numerous flower show in the Keukenhof covered pavillions Oranje…
You can easily travel from Schiphol to Keukenhof by direct Keukenhof Express bus line 858. The bus operates during the Keukenhof opening season (20 March – 11 May 2025) and…
Keukenhof has an own carpark for 4.500 cars and 1.000 coaches. You can buy Keukenhof parking ticket online from €9 a day or at the park entrance for €14 a…
Every year on the third Saturday in January the Netherlands celebrate National Tulip Day. This is the day when the tulip season officially starts. On this day Amsterdam’s Museum Square…
The distance between Amsterdam and Keukenhof tulip gardens is 40 km. There is no train station near Keukenhof, but there are several transfer buses running between Amsterdam and Keukenhof during…